
The Women's Book

Book Name: The Women's Book
Published Date:
ISBN: 978-1-365-78683-9
Category: Leadership

The menstrual cycle is magical! It governs every aspect of a woman’s lived experience during her reproductive years, and it is the seat of her feminine superpowers. Unfortunately, many women are living in a culture that does not honour menstruation and have thus become disconnected from their menstrual cycle. Young girls learn from older women that menstruation is a burden that they must bear, and overlook the treasure trove of advantages and opportunities that their monthly cycle has to offer. The Women’s Book is all about reclaiming our menstrual magic and celebrating our womanhood. TWB includes a phase-specific guide to help you navigate through your menstrual cycle with ease and self-love. You can revisit the relevant phase during that time in your own cycle for tips, tricks, and supportive practices. May TWB serve as a powerful ally for aligning with your menstrual cycle and unlocking your inner-powerhouse!

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